Monday, January 19, 2015

Water filter for shower heads

Are shower heads water filters really as important as normal water filters? Charles Strand, founder and president of Sun Water Systems says that shower head water filters are more important.

In the bathroom, when the door goes shut and the tap goes on, substances in the water are vaporized. They build up in the air more quickly than the steam. Purification for shower heads trap the substances before they can enter the air.

For people with asthma or other respiratory problems, shower heads water filters are practically a necessity. Swimming pool water vapor is an irritant that triggers attacks and can lead to inflammation of the respiratory system. Just think about people who work with the substances. They wear masks to secure themselves from the fumes.

You can’t logically wear a mask in the bathroom, but shower heads water filters can secure you. Inhaled substances are not the only problem with showering in unfiltered water.

You may know that the pores of your epidermis dilate in hot water. They open up. Chemicals can pass through your epidermis and enter the blood stream in that way. Think about the patches that people wear on their epidermis to provide consistent medication through out the day, the nicotine patch for example.

Without water filter for shower heads, more substances enter your body through your open pores than you would get form consuming a gallon of unfiltered water. Filtered normal water protects you from consuming substances and other contaminants. Effective shower heads water filters secure you from inhaling or absorbing those contaminants through your epidermis.

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